Solid Waste Disposal Operations

Toland Road Landfill

Under VRSD management, customers of the Toland Road Landfill enjoy state-of-the-art solid waste processing at some of the lowest rates in California.

VRSD has garnered multiple awards for its landfill operations, including Excellence in Environmental Leadership from the Ventura County Economic Development Association for the expansion and innovative operation of the 343-acre Toland Road Landfill site.

In addition to its operations at Toland Road, VRSD conducts post-closure work at the former sites of Santa Clara, Coastal, Bailard, Ozena, and Tierra Rejada landfills. This includes landscaping, irrigation and drainage system installation and maintenance, landfill gas extraction, groundwater monitoring, and soil layer quality assurance.

Post-closure operations are funded through funds set aside during site operations.

Toland Main Pit


3500 Toland Road
Santa Paula, CA 93060

Landfill Concerns:

General Public and Non-Commercial Vehicles*:
Mon-Fri, 7:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Scale House Closed from 12:00 p.m-12:30 p.m. everyday. 
NOTE: The landfill is CLOSED on major holidays. 

New Disposal Fees Effective July 1, 2024

Credit/Debit or commercial account only - no personal checks

*See Landfill Restrictions below

Non-Transfer Commercial Account Vehicles:
Mon-Fri, 6:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Transfer Account Vehicles:
Mon-Fri, 6:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Extended commercial disposal hours for exceptional circumstances are subject to prior approval by VRSD management. Site is subject to unscheduled closure due to high winds, inclement weather, and tonnage limits (signs will be posted on Highway 126 notifying of closure). Contact scalehouse for closure information (805) 658-4685.

Facilities Open for Saturday Disposal

Gold Coast Recycling Center:
5275 Colt Street, Ventura
(805) 642-9236

Del Norte Recycling & Transfer Station:
111 S Del Norte Rd, Oxnard
(805) 385-8060

Landfill Restrictions

No Hazardous Waste is Accepted at Toland Road Landfill

The Toland Road Landfill accepts commercial loads of municipal solid waste processed through Ventura County transfer stations and materials recycling facilities.  NOTE: Credit/Debit or commercial account only - no personal checks. CASH IS NO LONGER ACCEPTED.

Only municipal solid waste is accepted at the landfill. All waste loads are subject to detailed inspection for hazardous materials. Please contact your city for Household Hazardous Waste Program information.

Illegal dumping at the landfill is a violation of the law, which may result in a fine. To report illegal dumping after hours call 
(805) 658-4655.

For more information, contact the Toland Road Landfill Scalehouse at 3500 Toland Road, Santa Paula, CA 93060, or call
(805) 658-4685
 or (805) 525-8217.

Regulatory Agencies

Toland Road Landfill is managed by the Ventura Regional Sanitation District with oversight by several state and local agencies including, but not limited to: California Environmental Protection Agency; California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle); California Air Resources Board; California Department of Toxic Substance Control; California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB); California Natural Resources Agency; County of Ventura, Planning Division; Ventura County Air Pollution Control District (VCAPCD); County of Ventura, Environmental Health Division; County of Ventura, Integrated Waste Management Division; and Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB).

Governing Documents

Toland Road Landfill operates under several detailed and comprehensive permits including: Solid Waste Facility Permit (CalRecycle); Waste Discharge Requirements (RWQCB); Monitoring and Reporting Program (RWQCB); Title V Permit (VCAPCD); Conditional Use Permit (County of Ventura, Planning Division); and Industrial General Stormwater Permit (SWRCB).

Required Plans & Programs

Plans and programs required by Toland’s CUP are comprehensive and rigorous. For example, the requirement for Dust Suppression comprises 13 separate elements including requirements to pave high-use roads on site, vacuum them, and water unpaved roads. Toland staff have developed and maintain over 25 full-scale plans and programs in response to CUP requirements. Landfill employees continue to seek out and implement even better solutions and operations, continually upgrading and refining these required programs and adding others not required by the oversight agencies.

Required Plans & Programs include:

  • Hazardous Materials Business Plan
  • Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Plan
  • Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
  • Groundwater Monitoring Plan
  • Gas Collection and Control System Design Plan
  • Startup, Shutdown, Malfunction Plan
  • Perimeter Gas Monitoring Plan
  • Waste Acceptance Plan
  • Radiation Monitoring Program
  • Emergency Procedures Plan
  • Final Postclosure Maintenance Plan
  • Nighttime Lighting Plan
  • Refuse Area Drainage Plan
  • Stockpile Plan
  • Water Conservation Plan Agricultural Pest Control Program
  • Archaeological/Cultural Resource Protection Program Biological Resource Protection Program
  • Bird Control Program
  • Compressed Natural Gas/Low Emissions Vehicle Program
  • Cortese Mitigation Monitoring Program Dust Suppression Program Emissions
  • Mitigation Program
  • Fire Protection Program
  • Gas Well Monitoring Program
  • Groundwater Monitoring Program
  • Hazardous Waste Diversion Program
  • Leachate Monitoring Program Load Check (Hazardous Waste Diversion) Program
  • Noise Abatement Program
  • Odor Control Program
  • On-Site Litter Control Program